Using social media as a part of your digital marketing strategy is a no-brainer to create engagement. The number of social media users is continuously increasing and businesses are finding new ways every day to communicate with their audience. However, with the nature of social media, trends are always changing and evolving. 

What worked last year for your business, might not necessarily work now. As a business, you are always striving to find new ways to connect with your customers. In the spirit of wanting to remain relevant and competitive, we’ve narrowed down social media marketing trends to keep an eye on in the roofing industry

Influencer Marketing

In the world of social media marketing, influencer marketing has changed the way businesses can reach and relate to their customers. Influencer marketing is putting your company’s competitive advantages on blast for your ideal audience. Utilizing influencers increases the trust that viewers have in your business because they are hearing about you from someone they already have confidence in.

Think of influencer marketing as the best review you could get. You want that review to be seen by the right people. The trick is understanding the way influencers are able to reach your ideal audience. There are four sub-categories of influencers, all defined by their number of followers, we recommend investing in a micro-influencer campaign to benefit your roofing business.

Targeted Ads

Consistent results can be created through social media ads. Utilizing user information, these ads are displayed to people depending on their interactions on the platform. When trying to reach a specific demographic, these targeted ads have the capability of drastically increasing your conversion rates at a considerably low acquisition rate. 

Most of the main social media platforms are equipped with digital advertising; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter being a few of the most popular. If you want to reach 25,000 users in one day, you can. You can also start with a more modest budget and make adjustments as per the results.

Instagram Stories

Instagram launched its Stories feature in 2016. Accounts were able to post full-screen pictures or videos with the condition of it disappearing from feeds after 24 hours. Though using polls, quizzes, hashtags, stickers and more you can create extremely engaging content for your customers. 

Instagram stories truly put the ‘social’ in social media. This is a creative platform to post organic content that is authentic to your roofing business. You can allow your customers to interact with whatever project you're working on and show them the little things that make your business unique. 

Pro Tip: Utilize your Instagram Story Highlights section. Create categories for your videos so your users can quickly access videos you want them to see.

As an example, you could organize by your services:

  1. Sloped Roof
  2. Flat Roof
  3. Insulation
  4. ReRoof
  5. Shingles
  6. Gutters

or by type of video:

  1. DIY Roof Fixes
  2. Home Owner Education
  3. Prevention & Maintenance
  4. Testimonials

Story Ads

One-third of the most-viewed stories on Instagram come from businesses. New on the features Instagram has for businesses is Story Ads. They create brand awareness and can increase sales and create great results for your business.

TikTok - The Newest Member of Social Media Marketing

TikTok has now become one of the largest social media apps in the world. It has over 2 billion downloads, making its outreach numbers astronomical. With the app's unique content-driven algorithm, users are able to go viral regardless of follower count or popularity. 

Tools like the Creator Marketplace and the Shop Now feature are what is making the app a huge success for marketing. Keeping TikTok on your radar of social media marketing, would be in your best interest. Simply because there are very few roofing businesses on the platform and being one of the first to reap its benefits will make you stand out from the rest. 

There is a Complete Guide to TikTok available on our blogs page, so make sure to check that out. 

Last Word

If you’re still not sure which platforms work best for your roofing business, start by finding the platforms that hold higher concentrations of ideal customers (homeowners). Then engage with your customers to see which platform gets the most action. Trial and error is just part of the social media marketing process. With some patience and the correct mindset, you will find the game plan that works best for you. 


Social Media Trends to Look Out for in the Roofing Industry, Author and

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